
Really!?! YES

So right now as I type this I am asking myself... REALLY?1?!
9 days ago went to visit my grandmother and ended up taking her to the hospital. Long story short... she was having trouble breathing and was diagnosed with a pneumothorax. They operated in the ER to insert a chest tube and we were all relieved that she was getting some much needed rest and relief. 4 days later she was still in the hospital and I was headed to the ER with Stella. She is my special child and completely full of energy... she had a dramatic run in with a counter at Lilly Pulitzer South Park. They have a ceramic frog hidden around the store and she was trying to find it! After leaving the ER with 2 staples in her noggin I rolled her upstairs in her wheelchair to visit my grandmother! With all that has been going on I thought my bad luck streak HAD to be over! Tonight I was sitting quietly in the kitchen eating my dinner when Sky started screaming and crying. At first she wouldn't tell me how she got hurt, she would only say that her hand hurt very badly. She is my child that is the master of whining... however this time there were tears streaming down her face. After probing her for more details here is the story... She was doing cartwheels in the living room and when she put her hand down it made a funny sound and hurt really bad. The hand is slightly blue and it is red around the knuckles. It is swollen up the fingers and she cant squeeze my fingers. The nurse wants us to use advil and see the doctor in the morning.

So to answer my question... REALLY!?!


I don't know why or how things are going so wrong but I really could use some major relief. On a side note my mom got braces today (invisalign) and she now knows the pain I went through with mine! :) Here's to a better day tomorrow!!

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